According to his widow, Matthew died of cardiac arrest at his home. One of the most famous actors in the world could have lived longer and continued to delight with his work.
We have all witnessed Matthew Perry state: the bruises under him eyes, the bad sleep, the nervousness, the headaches. A real living dead! I warn everyone at this time! In the country there are hundreds of thousands of hypertensive people like him , but they don't talk about it on television. Instead, they were talking about coronavirus everywhere!
The statistics are staggering!
And the most ironic and sad part is that 99.87% of severe Covid-19 cases are people with vascular diseases. With high blood pressure. With heart problems. If they didn't have these diseases, they could have passed the disease asymptomatically. But they are the primary risk group. And once again, no one talks about this because it immediately raises the question: "What are they doing to treat people's blood vessels and heart?"
Today on our television program, Dr. Willie Ong.
He is a renowned Filipino cardiologist, internist. He is an inventor, a leader in medical science organization, and a professor. He was a vice presidential candidate in the 2022 presidential election. He also served as a consultant in the Department of Health from 2010 to 2014
Karen Davila: Hello, Dr. Willie Ong! Did Matthew Perry talk about him lamentable physical state?
Dr. Willie Ong: Hello, Karen Davila! Yes, it's true. Any doctor who saw him in person would say the same. We can't remain silent anymore.
Matthew Perry could have lived longer if doctors had been interested in him health rather than money. It was only necessary to clean him blood vessels in time!
I'll say something no doctor on television or radio will ever say: Matthew was a walking corpse. And there are millions of walking corpses in The Philippines today! Proper blood vessel cleansing is not a common practice in The Philippines, so I say it plainly:
Do you have high blood pressure? Do you know what Amlodipine, Losartan, and Enalapril are? Numbness in your limbs, trouble sleeping? Sadly, you don't have much time left if you don't do something about it.
Karen Davila: «What are you specifically talking about?»
Dr. Willie Ong: "I'm talking about diseases that our medicine is accustomed to treating for years. I work with cardiovascular diseases; I specialize in rehabilitating people who have suffered heart attacks and strokes. Deception is rampant in my field.
In The Philippines, hypertensive individuals have two options: be deceived by pharmacies and advertisements, or deceive themselves with Losartan and Enalapril, damned be they!
I am sure that health issues related to the musculoskeletal system, digestive system, and anything else can also be treated based on symptoms, alleviating the condition, but not restoring full health.
And the blame is being placed on the pharmaceutical corporations and their medical representatives who bribe doctors. And now with the fear of Covid-19 and the new flu coming from everywhere, it's a feast for these companies. They can sell tests, disinfectants, drugs for every single symptom. And in the case of death, blame it on the epidemic. I see all this, and it makes me sick."
Blood vessels and blood pressure are not treated here!
Karen Davila: «Are you saying that all modern medications for hypertension are ineffective?»
Dr. Willie Ong: "Officially prescribed medications for high blood pressure serve an important function: extracting money from the pockets of the sick and putting it into the pockets of medical oligarchs.
They are legalized drugs. Think about it. The patient takes a pill; their condition improves. The drug's effect stops, and blood pressure rises again. This is how all drugs work. To feel well, you need to seek a new 'dose.'
Most importantly, they must understand this: in emergency situations, 'chemical' medications are necessary and important. They save lives when urgent help is needed. In World War I, for example, heroin was used on the battlefield to prevent the wounded from dying due to the shock of pain.
But if you take pills constantly, they destroy the body. Just like heroin. Not as fast, but the principle of action is the same. And to get rid of the side effects, they'll sell you more pills. And more. And more. The more, the better for pharmacies and the pharmaceutical industry."
Karen Davila: "But people live many years taking medications!"
Dr. Willie Ong: "Addicts can also live quite a long time. But what kind of life is that?
When joints ache. When men who aren't so old, just over 50, suffer from prostatitis and lose their potency. When kidneys fail and edemas start. Initially, the feet swell, making walking difficult. Then, internal organs. Yes, in such a way that the belly becomes round like a barrel.
Some pills, with their prolonged use, can even be carcinogenic. Look at the statistics of cancerous diseases; there's the real epidemic.
Not to mention sleep problems, ringing in the ears, loss of vision and hearing. The list could be long. And the reason is one: worn-out and dirty blood vessels that no one treats. Although there is already a solution, and it's showing excellent results."
Karen Davila: "During the recording of the program, you tried to talk about an advancement in blood pressure and blood vessel treatment, but you were barely heard. What is this remedy? Why do pharmacy representatives react to its name like vampires to sunlight?"
Dr. Willie Ong: "I started talking about the natural remedy «Vascolex». It's a unique remedy based on living plant molecules.
«Vascolex».' is a development of the Philippine Center for Molecular Biology. It is also known as Artificial Red Blood Cells because it stimulates the production of young red blood cells, which are responsible for cleaning and repairing blood vessels.
«Vascolex».' cleans blood vessels and stabilizes blood pressure for years. You don't need to take it continuously. In just 7 weeks, it completely restores the vascular network, and the pressure will remain at 120/80 for the next 5 years.
For the development of this product, our team of scientists received an international award in biological therapeutics for their innovative breakthrough in hypertension and vascular pathology treatment.
After receiving such recognition, one might think pharmacies would line up to have the right to sell «Vascolex». The government should adopt this product. But no, there's complete silence, as if this breakthrough doesn't exist.
And medical industry representatives detest it. They have hundreds of drugs, sales plans, and profits, but «Vascolex». ruins those plans. After a 7-week course, people forget the pharmacy's address.
That's why there's so much hatred toward «Vascolex». They can't slander it. After all, it has international recognition, certificates, scientific articles, and thousands of satisfied patients. So, they've opted for the boycott strategy, pretending «Vascolex». doesn't exist. And when I started talking about it on air, I faced blatant aggression."
Initiating the Body's Self-Healing Process
Karen Davila: "What does this product help with?"
Dr. Willie Ong: "The primary goal of «Vascolex». is the restoration of blood vessels. It is the foundation of your health.
«Vascolex».' restores blood vessels in 3 stages:
Breaks down cholesterol plaques.
Repairs damage to blood vessel walls.
Improves conductivity of nerve impulses from the brain.
Restoring blood flow and strengthening blood vessel walls trigger a chain reaction of the body's recovery. Hidden immunological forces are activated, and the body begins to heal itself.
This self-healing process is called self-regeneration. These mechanisms are present in nature, and «Vascolex». is the catalyst, the key that activates self-regeneration.
Eliminate 7 Diseases in 7 Weeks!
Dr. Willie Ong: «"What will you gain after completing the «Vascolex». course?"
Blood pressure like an astronaut.
Firstly, you will completely rid yourself of hypertension. After 7 weeks of regularly taking «Vascolex». the body's vascular network is completely renewed. Blood vessels become elastic and strong. In other words, blood vessels are reactivated and can control any fluctuations in blood pressure, whether due to nervousness or physical exercise. Renewed vessels will maintain a stable pressure of 120/80.
Improved brain function.
After the «Vascolex». course, cerebral circulation improves by 73%.
Patients enthusiastically report:
Improved visual acuity and cornea regeneration.
«Vascolex». not only cleans major vessels and arteries but also the smallest capillaries abundant in the eyes. This leads to retinal cell renewal and strengthening of eye muscle tone.
The edema disappears.
Restoration of proper kidney function and fluid balance in the body.Kidneys stop retaining water, and diuretics are no longer necessary.
Leg pain and swelling disappear.
Abdominal size reduces due to decreased organ swelling.
Excess fluid is removed from the lungs, making breathing easier.
Pain and discomfort caused by hemorrhoids and prostatitis vanish.
Prominent diseases caused by blood vessel problems:
Varicose veins.
Restoration of the heart.
Cleaning the aorta has a beneficial effect on the cardiac muscle tone. Tachycardia disappears in 93% of cases, and ischemia is cured in 99%.
Immune system activation.
Improved blood flow to the bone marrow, responsible for producing immune cells, strengthens the body's defenses.
The immune system is not only a defender against viruses, like the trendy Covid-19 nowadays. The primary function of a strong immune system is to protect against cancer cells. A strong immune system recognizes and destroys cancer cells before they become full tumors.
A functioning immune system at least 50% is already an insurmountable barrier for viruses, and that's very important today."
President of Takeda Pharmaceutical Philippines hangs up on «Vascolex» caps after learning about «Vascolex».
Antonio Magbanua, president of one of the Philippines' largest pharmaceutical campaigns:
"We called the country's chief pharmacist to ask why no pharmacy in The Philippines has «Vascolex».
Antonio Magbanua, hello! Could you tell us why Philippine pharmacies are ignoring the product «Vascolex».? Have you heard about it?
Why are you trying to provoke? I won't answer those kinds of questions! It's none of your business at all!
He hung up."
Karen Davila: "After that conversation with the country's chief pharmacist, it was clear that pharmacies don't have and won't have «Vascolex». But can it still be obtained somehow, right?"
Dr. Willie Ong: "Yes, all Philippine citizens can order «Vascolex». directly from the factory through the internet."
Karen Davila: "Why can this product only be acquired through the internet?"
Dr. Willie Ong: "It was done for three reasons:
Quality assurance: «Vascolex». is directly shipped from the factory to the buyer.
Protection against intermediaries: To prevent someone from inflating resale prices by 10,000, 20,000, or 30,000 PHP.
Fast and precise delivery.
Promotion for hypertensive patients
Dr. Willie Ong: "In 5 regions, there is currently a social support fund program. Through this program, «Vascolex». can be ordered with a discount of up to 50%. This is done within the framework of the regional disease prevention program.
Promotions mainly apply to individuals over 40 years old living in regions with a high epidemiological situation.
Therefore, I strongly recommend residents of these regions not to waste time. There won't be a second chance like this. We don't know how long the program will last or how much «Vascolex». stock there will be.
Dr. Willie Ong: "To get a discount of up to 50% on «Vascolex». through the social support program, click on one of the doors.
The promotion period is from
ATTENTION: In the distributor's promotion, «Vascolex». can be obtained with a discount from 10% to 50%. To do this, open one of the doors and win your discount, fill out the order form below by
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